Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Opening Acts!...Does Playing Before A Rock Star Make You One?

Its the dream of many a musician to open up for either: their favorite band or the favorite band of their childhood. For many, the ultimate in true rock star status is to share a stage with the musicians who made you want to play music in the first placeto see you name in lights (or printed on a flyer, as the case may be) with the guys (or gals) whose music you listen to almost as much as (if not more than) your own.

But is it really a good idea, as an unsigned artist, to open up for an act already known to the general public? Will you get anywhere near the recognition opening up for Pearl Jam in a large venue that you would at a local club playing with other unsigned bands? Will you fans dig your music as hard as ever or will they forget all about you in a mad frenzy to have Eddie Vedder sign their backs?

Its a double-edged sword that many artists forget to think over carefully before rushing starry-eyed into the excitement of being the opening act for: (Insert Name Of Famous Rock Star Here). In many cases, venues and promoters still expect your crowd to turn out and drink it up at shows, even though the headliner will draw a big crowd of their own. Many of these shows are an hour plus away from your local area and tickets can be upwards of $100. Is that something you can expect your friends will be up for?

And then theres the issue of press. Do you dare ask a reviewer to come out and cover your show and expect that a large portion of your article wont be about how Pearl Jam rocks! You score local radio play only to have the DJ announce the show and play, Alive. Sometimes opening up for a signed act can make an unsigned artist feel even more invisible than usual.

The following are a few tips that may help you to weigh the pros and cons of grabbing a spot as the opening act for a famous band:

1.) Would You Take The Show If You Werent Playing With Pearl Jam?---Many artists think that playing with a famous act is so important that they dont even bother to check out anything else about the gig. Many assume that rock stars always command rock star stages, but this is often not the case. Many acts, especially classic rock/retro acts on revival tours, are looking to get out and play anywhere that will put them up the right kind of front money. Often times this means that the venues are in more remote areas either looking to get on the musical map or using a well-known act to entice people to drive in from far away. Sometimes, the clubs are older rooms looking to get their groove back or new places that havent yet acquired a regular crowd. Before booking anything, drive out and check out the venue on a few different nights and make sure that you like the room, the stage, the regulars, the area, etc. and ask yourselves if this is a venue that would play if it was!

nt for the draw of the signed headliner. Since many of these shows can cost unsigned acts anywhere from $200-$2000 in ticket guarantees, you want to make sure that your getting your moneys worth musically.

2.) Would Pearl Jams Fans Listen To You If They Caught You In Your Local Bar?---For a lot of upcoming acts, the lure of playing in front of a crowd of adoring fans is a huge plus. But, you need to make sure to remember that just because people are coming to a club doesnt mean they plan to listen to you. Sadly, often the followers of signed acts could care less about unknown openers and will arrive right before the headliners set. Sometimes, they sit in at the bar in another room praising their favorite band while the openers play to their friends and the wall. Worst case, many of them will rush the stage yelling, Pearl Jam! We want Pearl Jam while you do your best to win them over musically. This is why its important to only open for signed acts that fit in the style of your music. If you loved Pearl Jam in high school but your band sounds like John Mayer, you might want to think twice before deciding that their fans are automatically going to dig your tunes.

3.) Find Out All Of The Details Before Committing To A Signed Act Show---Its fairly easy to book a local show: two to five unsigned acts, 20-45 minute sets, all ages to 21 and up, $0 to $10 cover, sound check or line check, maybe free parking, possibly some free drinks, sometimes backline gear, occasionally free food, and pray for a decent sound man. Its all pretty much cut and dried and if your band has been around awhile, you can confirm gigs in your sleep. Signed headlining acts are a whole different animal and promising your crowd to a venue two hours away, with a $40 cover charge where your band is playing a 15 minute set with your gear scrunched up on the front of the stage so that the headliners gear can remain set up might not be as easy as you think. Your fans are used to seeing you rock the house, down the street from their homes, where you play long, get an encore and the house buys everyone a shot! Unless theyre dying to see Pearl Jam, they might not be u!

p for all of extra energy it takes to see you open up for a famous act.

4.) You May Not Be Signed But You Can Act Like You Are---If you decide to take a gig opening up for a signed band and you want to impress them, their crew, their reps, and the clubs management, then make sure youre act as professional as your headliner. Get there early, have your gear organized, make sure everything is working perfectly, load in at the speed of light, have your set list ready, be courteous to the sound guy (gal), keep your set on time, and load off at the speed of light. Most importantly, have your merchandise in order and professionally displayed at the club/arena: CDs, DVDs, t-shirts, bumper stickers, hats, condoms, thongsyou name it. You know youre unsigned but the headliners fans dont, so why advertise it? Put on a fantastic show and maybe youll sell some CDs, etc. and make some extra cash.

Theres one more thing to consider here: fulfilling a dream. If its your dream to open up for an act you love, then throw caution to the wind and do it just for the dream. If you lose money, hate the club, get booed by over-zealous fanswho cares? For that one set, you shared the stage with the band that put the dream in your heart to get up on a stage in the first place. Plus, its great bragging rights for your band. You can throw it up on your website and talk about it to your grandchildren. If you dont mind the extra effort, commitment and sometimes hassle, then go for it! Who knows? Maybe theyll pick you up as the opener on their tour? Maybe their label will see you and sign you? Maybe Rolling Stone will come out to review them and mention your name? If youre doing it to fulfill the dream, then everything else is a bonus. Just remember to get all of the details, and stay smart when undertaking a huge gig. Now, get up on that stage and wow that big crowd,!

you rock stars!

Sheena Metal is a radio host, producer, promoter, music supervisor, consultant, columnist, journalist and musician. Her syndicated radio program, Music Highway Radio, airs on over 700 affiliates to more than 126 million listeners. Her musicians assistance program, Music Highway, boasts over 10,000 members. She currently promotes numerous live shows weekly in the Los Angeles Area, where she resides. For more info: Blog28283
Aura Blog7362

Advantages and Disadvantages of Payday Loans

Payday loans are intended to bind borrowers over until the following paycheck reaches its destination. The weakness of cash advances includes expensive fees that make the APR (annual percentage rates) high enough to send you bankruptcy. The advances are distributed after the borrower signs an agreement accepting the stipulations that he will repay the fees and loan amount on a set date.

If you are planning a cash advance, you should consider all details of the loan and weigh out the pros and cons carefully. The payday loans are slightly different from other types of loans it is short-term loan of unsecured nature.

After a person is accepted for a payday loan, the borrower writes a voided check to the vendor. The check includes the fee and the loan amount. The lender will often charge a percentage of the value borrowed, which in some instances stretches up to 900 percent annually.

Accordingly, if you borrow $200, you will pay back $240. The advance is then rolled over with the date due two weeks after the loan is issued. If the borrower does not have the loan amount upon the end of term agreement, he pays the advance fee and rolls the loan over to the following paycheck.

Payday loans are planned to help those wishing to dodge disconnections of utilities. Reconnection fees are around $50 depending on the state. Car repairs often lead people to payday loans. Most people depend on the vehicle to transport them to and from work. Additional urgent situations including medical expenditures can lead to bad credit. If you do not pay medical bills on time or put the bills off, the provider may send your information to the credit bureaus, which diminishes your credit.

The majority of payday lenders include requirements, which you must meet in order to receive a loan. It often entails employment, checking account, etc. and you will need proof of each detail.

The majority of lenders might decline payday loans if the borrower filed bankruptcy in the preceding year, or filed multiple bankruptcies over a course of time. If you do not have a job, the lender can rightfully deny you a loan, since no evidence of income is available to repay the loan.

Most lenders expect you to make $1000 monthly in net income to apply for a loan. If you worked less than five months on a job, the lender may deny your application.

Alex Fir shares a wealth of information on his website Payday Cash Loan Guide. If you want to learn more about online payday loans go to Blog14584
Audie Blog44809

The Leo Wanta Saga, Pt. 11: Bush Illegally Blocks The Wanta Plan And $4.5 Trillion Settlement On Behalf Of Americans

With the Federal Reserve Board illegally blocking The Wanta Plan , overseas financial sources are reporting today that U.S. authorities are preparing a plan to hi-jack the $4.5 trillion dollar settlement collecting dust in a Bank of America account In Richmond, Va.

This is the reason, sources say, President George W. Bush personally instructed the Fed to block the transfer of money, involving a vast sum of money earmarked for the U.S. Treasury, AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. and former Ambassador Leo Wanta.

Financial observers informed the Arctic Beacon corrupt "high level" American officials are planning to steal the full sum of money, even though the money belongs to the people and protected by Wanta as the legal trustor.

A Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) that was to have been filed with the Bank of America, Richmond, has meanwhile mysteriously gone missing," said the editor of an influential London currency review, adding if such actions were taken it would involve a crime to defraud the rightful owners of the money.

The $4.5 trillion in The Wanta Plan were recently signed pursuant to the accord an agreement between Leo Wanta/AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., the US Treasury, the Secretary of the Treasury Henry M. Paulson, Jr., and other key high level players who all decided this partial settlement would be better than Wanta's original idea of pursuing the entire amount estimated at between $27.5 and $70 trillion.

It is important to remember the funds belong to Wanta as trustor and his trading corporation and are not the property of Bank of America, the Federal Reserve, the Treasury or any other party.

The signed agreement was finalized June 12 after Wanta, a former Treasury and Secret Service agent, was released from a long and unwarranted jail term, including 133 days in Swiss dungeon. Further, Wanta suffered tremendous hardship since the late 1980's, including a character assassination by the CIA as operatives even falsely pronounced him dead in order to loot the vast sum of money.

Wanta's ordeal began after refusing to "play ball" with President George H. Bush and President William Jefferson Clinton who reportedly used the vast sum of public money, estimated at more than 27.5 trillion, for their own personal benefit.

According to Wanta, who has appeared numerous times on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, the smear campaign and illegal jailing began after he refused demands by Bush and Clinton for the wrongful diversion of $1 billion into an Panama bank account for Pilgrim Investments/Jorge (George) Bush in August 1989.

Wanta has identified this transaction as being illegal, but also has traced more than $750 billion of the booty as being diverted, stolen or misused by the Bush and Clinton crime families, monies which should have been properly returned to the American people.

Christopher Story, a financial writer from London, following the story, said: "The reappearance of this upright Treasury/Secret Service financial agent after years of absence, after the CIA had lied for years that he was dead, delivered a high-voltage electric shock to the criminal gangs operating inside the US structures.

"These are led by arrogant and powerful intelligence 'barons', and their compromised intelligence, banking and legal associates. Such people now understandably fear that they are all going to be exposed, arrested and indicted for their serial corruption crimes over the years."

Under The Wanta Plan, considered bigger and more important than The Marshall Plan of the World War II era, Wanta himself outlined the specifics of the deal recently as a guest on The Investigative Journal.

"Under the plan," explained Wanta, "the US Treasury is to receive $1.575 trillion in tax payments from the $4.5 trillion, representing tax payable at 35%, and then at least $96 billion per banking day following the delayed start-up of prearranged AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. trading operations."

Wanta added another similar aggregate tax amount per banking day will be payable to the U.S. Treasury/IRS arising from a similar transactions with other U.S. parties, generating an estimated aggregate $200 billion every banking day for the Treasury.

In addition, the State of Virginia is to receive an initial windfall tax remittance amounting to $270 billion since Wanta's group was incorporated there, ensuring windfall tax remittances to Pennsylvania, as well.

When Wanta appeared on The Investigative Journal last week, he said he was miffed why the Fed would illegally hold up the transaction sinice it was costing the American people $200 billion every banking day the money remains dormant.

Further, he officially gave the Fed until July 31 to release the money, saying the agreement would then be null and void as he planned to then go after the total aggregate amount of offshore money estimated at $70 trillion.

"I don't think they want that to happen," added Wanta. "It could be devastating to some major worldwide financial as they would collapse since they do not have the liquidity to return the full amount of the money."

As a capsule summary, the vast sum of money used illegally by corrupt insiders inside the U.S. government, was originally amassed by Wanta as part of a plan he and several other financial whizzes devised on behalf of President Ronald Reagan to destabilize the Soviet currency, bringing a quick end to the Cold War.

However, after Reagan left office, he was back stabbed by the Bush I and Clinton sadministration, leading to a long and unwarranted jail term to "get him out of the way," including 133 in a Swiss jail and years behind bars on a bogus Wisconsin state income tax charge.

Released more than a year ago, Wanta has been trying with limited resources and no cooperation from the government and the media to return the money to the American people.

During his many years in jail, much of the money has been diverted to numerous private overseas accounts and, according to Wanta, essentially looted by the corrupt Bush and Clinton crime families.

But in an unexpected move in 2003 Wanta filed a federal court case to recover the money. Although the case was dismissed under sovereign immunity, he received verification from the court that his legal trustor status was valid, the judge telling him to use the federal collections courts as a recovery process.

During the last year, Wanta has been trying to retrace his financial tracks and Monday emailed the Arctic Beacon for being one of the only news outlets to follow the story, saying 1.2 trillion is a good first step at lowering the national debt.

Regarding the illegal blockage of money authorized by President Bush and the Fed Reserve, The International Currency Review had this to say, reminding the American people it's imperative to follow the Wanta money before it is stolen by the corrupt criminals controlling the White House:

"Just as a taxpayer is obliged to pay his taxes, on pain of severe penalties for not doing so, anyone who prevents a taxpayer from paying tax is liable in the eyes of the law: and this, as noted, applies to everyone, without exception, including the President of the United States."

To learn more about the Leo Wanta saga and other stories vital to our world, go to independent journalist Greg Szymanski's and listen to his international radio show at Monday-Friday from 4-6pm central.Becka Blog80028
Cammi Blog58754

ADD/ADHD - Developing Confidence In School

Do you know why you have ADD/ADHD? Because you are extremely intelligent! No, I am not being sarcastic. In fact, I could not be more sincere. Most people with ADD/ADHD (herein called ADHD) have such a strong interest in a great variety of things, they have a hard time maintaining focus on one thing at a time. Of course, there are additional reasons too, but I am here to tell you that every person I know with ADHD (friends, relatives, and students) have an extraordinary number of talents and are all extremely bright. So, why do so many students with ADHD struggle in school?

The traditional school environment is not very exciting for most students, but especially students with ADHD. What they (and some of their teachers) fail to realize is that school is not boring because the information is too complex. On the contraryschool is boring because there is often not enough activity to keep their active minds engaged.

One common characteristic of people with ADHD is that they learn best by doing; they prefer to get their hands on something and figure out how it works rather than read about how it works. They typically represent the epitome of hands on, minds on learners. However, in most school situations, there is way too much idle time sitting at desks.

Many parents of students with ADHD say that their children do best when they can be involved in class by helping the teacher or having some type of leadership role. They thrive on projects and the opportunity to investigate the answer to a problem.

Is ADHD Really a Disorder?

I have always hated the term Attention Deficit Disorder! My observations, from knowing and working with many friends, relatives, and students who have ADHD are that they just have to make some additional accommodations to function in our modern society.

For example, I am left-handed and the whole world is backwards for me. I can never use scissors without looking like I have a physical disability. I always get ink smears on my hand when I write because my hand glides right over the freshly written words. When I have to sign my name on a credit card machine, the stylus is always on the wrong side of the machine and my signature looks like that of a kindergartner. The desks in college were all backwards for me so I had to learn how to write on my lap and looked like I was hunchback.

Does this mean I have a disorder? Of course not! It just means that I need to make some accommodations and accept the fact that people will make fun of me when I use scissors or try to pay for my groceries. Technically, ADHD is a disorder because it is a medical condition caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain and can be treated medically, but the word disorder makes it sound as if there is something wrong with people who have ADHD. On the contrary. For most people, it is simply a process of making some adjustments.

What Are Those Adjustments?

There are an infinite number of strategies and tricks that may be helpful for people who have ADHD and most will be a matter of what works best for each individual. However, there are three factors that are key to making any strategy successful:

Develop healthy routines. People with ADHD have a hard time creating structure within their own minds, so they must rely on structure from outside sources and develop habitual routines to help them keep track of their responsibilities and belongings. For example, one man I know with ADHD explained, I was always leaving things behind in restaurants and stores; my wallet, keys, jacket, briefcase, diaper bag, etc. So I started getting in the habit of looking back every time I left a table, seat, or check-out counter to make sure I didnt leave anything. It works well. I havent left anything behind in years!

Good routines to develop for school include using a planner, taking a few minutes at the end of every day to clean garbage out of your book bag and put papers in your folders, and gather everything you need for school the night before so you dont forget anything in the chaos of the morning.

Find a mentor. When you are trying to develop routines and change habits to be successful in school, it is always helpful to have someone who can be your sounding board, who can help motivate you, and keep you focused. A good mentor should be a responsible and trusted adult or older student whom you trust; perhaps a neighbor, aunt/uncle, tutor, personal coach, community volunteer, peer counselor or student from a local high school or college. Try to avoid having your parent fill this role because you are likely to quickly perceive your parents as nagging you rather than encouraging you. A mentor may sometimes nag, but is often easier to take it from someone other than a parent.

Your mentor will help you identify some goals and check in with you every other day or two-three times per week to see what you are doing to reach those goals and offer you encouragement. They should be available to listen to you vent when you are frustrated and may have some suggestions to help you. Of course, your mentor will also be on hand to help you celebrate each of your accomplishments along the way, even the small ones.

Take it one step at a time. Try to figure out the one area that is causing you the greatest problem and work on this first. You may want to talk to your parents, teachers, and even your mentor to determine where to start. For example, if your teachers tell you that the main reason that your grades are falling is because you are not turning in your assignments, then you know that this is what you should try to improve first. Get help from your teachers, guidance counselors, parents, your mentor, and the free Homework Rx Toolkit at our website to help you determine strategies that will help you with this one problem. Give it one or two months and then identify the next problem.

Do not give up! Everyone has moments when they fall backwards as they try to reach their goals; everyone from straight-A students to the CEO of a major company. This is a natural part of life. The key for anyone to be successful, however, is to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep moving. Youll see positive results very soon!

© 2006 Susan Kruger, All rights reserved.

Find more resources for homework help, including a free Homework Rx Toolkit, at Susan Kruger, M.Ed. is a certified teacher and learning specialist. She combined her personal struggles as a student with her professional expertise to create a powerful, student-friendly system. She has taught her SOAR Study Skills workshops to hundreds of students with great success!Celesta Blog24055
Arlee Blog92465

Essential Rubber Stamping & Scrapbooking Supplies

Are you new to scrapbooking or are you a seasoned expert? Weve compiled a list of must have scrapbooking and rubber stamping supplies that should assist the novice stamper as well as spark some new ideas for the expert scrapbooking hobbyist. While there are hundreds of supplies that can be purchased at your local hobby and craft store, or online, we have highlighted the most essential ones.

Rubber Stamping Pads: Rubber stamping pads come in a variety of shades and colors. Stamp pads can be used to tint and colorize embellishments as well as distress paper and chipboard. Dye based stamp pads are great for projects where you need a fast setting ink. Have some time on this project? Youll love the brightness and brilliance that pigment based stamp pads providejust allow plenty of time for the drying process.

Stickers: Sticker options available are endless and youll be excited to find unique types and styles including velvet, gel, and even three-dimensional brands. If youre very creative, you can even make your own stickers with any one of the commercially avaible sticker adhesive machines. Why not recycle those adorable magazine pictures as stickers in a timeless scrapbook album?

Ribbon: Scrapbooking and rubber stamping ribbon comes in a variety of widths from 1/8 to 2 or more depending on what you need for your project. Color coordinated spools of ribbon can be purchased at almost any craft and hobby store. Todays scrapbooking ribbon is especially designed with the current styles and trends in mind.

Buttons, paper clips, and staples: Embellishments for stamping and scrapbooking include buttons, paper clips, metal fasteners, eyelets, paper clips, colored staples, rivets, and dried flowers. Once plain items have now become necessities for any scrapbooking room. To create coordinated sets, purchase plain white embellishments and colorize with a stamp pad or acrylic paint. You'll love having embellishments that perfectly match your paper and albums.

Card stock: Card stock can be handmade, hand dyed, and you may even purchase printable fabric stock paper. Acid free paper, which will keep your memorable albums in perfect shape for the longest time possible, is an important item to use throughout your scrapbook album.

Scrapbooking Albums: Youll want to make sure that your memories last many lifetimes and finding a good album is very crucial. The standard album sizes are 6x 6, 12 x 12, and 8.5 x 11. These sizes are perfectly suited to the most common sizes of scrapbooking paper. They can also be found in smaller sizes, however, and can even be custom-made for special projects.

Dont Panic! Youll only need a handful of supplies and your creativity to enjoy scrapbooking and stamping. All of these supplies will eventually find their way into your creative space and will make your rubber stamping and scrapbooking exciting and enjoyable.

Kathy Williams loves scrapbooking and rubber stamps. She operates an online rubber stamping store at Blog93933
Carly Blog15646

Airline Cards - To Own or Not to Own?

Everyones needs are different depending on their various lifestyles and living patterns. Therefore choosing an airline card from the various airline cards available will depend on your choice entirely. Eventually, it's up to you as to how hard your airlines credit card will work for you. But by reading these simple tips, and asking these questions, you can definitely wedge out a few more benefits out of your airlines credit card.

What is an Airlines Credit Card Anyway?

With an airlines credit card, one can earn credits or points whenever one uses the airlines credit card. After a certain number of points have been accumulated from purchases made on the card, cardholders can redeem points for airline travel, just the way one might utilize frequent flyer miles.

Be sure to know how many points you need to accumulate on your airlines credit card so as to qualify for free air travel. Its also vital to know when these points will expire if not put to use within a certain amount of time. Since most of the top airlines credit card reward programs are typically quite costly for credit card companies, any airlines credit card will usually come with an annual fee and will also have higher corresponding interest rates than other credit cards.

How Do I Select the Best Airline Card?

The first step in determining which airline card to select is to know which airline you frequent the most. If you have an airline preference for most of your trips, find out if the same airline has an airline card.

Another thing to analyze would be the frequency of your flying. If you fly once every few years or so, you are least likely to benefit from an airline card. If, however, you fly often, you might want to consider owning an airline card. However, there is a catch involved in this as well. Many airline cards place restrictions on the number of points that can be earned in a year. So, if you are not able to utilize points before they expire, owning an airline card would be futile.

As weve already mentioned, any airline card will have an annual fees attached to it besides having higher corresponding interest rates than a non-airline card, so watch out for that as well.

Getting the Best Out of Airline Cards

To get the best out of your airline cards, use them carefully. For instance, take a little amount off your monthly budget each month towards paying the balance on the airline cards and make sure that you are only spending that amount. Otherwise, you are most likely to end up paying quite a tidy sum as finance charges can add up from the high interest rates typically associated with airline cards.

Another way to maximize the utility of your airline cards is to choose your purchases through the airline cards very cautiously. Quite a number of times, even though you will get points for every purchase made with the airline cards, there will be additional points for specific purchases. The beauty of airline cards lies in utilizing them for the purchases that count while using other credit cards for those that do not.Everyones needs are different depending on their various lifestyles and living patterns. Therefore choosing an airline card from the various airline cards available will depend on your choice entirely. Eventually, it's up to you as to how hard your airlines credit card will work for you. But by reading these simple tips, and asking these questions, you can definitely wedge out a few more benefits out of your airlines credit card.

What is an Airlines Credit Card Anyway?

With an airlines credit card, one can earn credits or points whenever one uses the airlines credit card. After a certain number of points have been accumulated from purchases made on the card, cardholders can redeem points for airline travel, just the way one might utilize frequent flyer miles.

Be sure to know how many points you need to accumulate on your airlines credit card so as to qualify for free air travel. Its also vital to know when these points will expire if not put to use within a certain amount of time. Since most of the top airlines credit card reward programs are typically quite costly for credit card companies, any airlines credit card will usually come with an annual fee and will also have higher corresponding interest rates than other credit cards.

How Do I Select the Best Airline Card?

The first step in determining which airline card to select is to know which airline you frequent the most. If you have an airline preference for most of your trips, find out if the same airline has an airline card.

Another thing to analyze would be the frequency of your flying. If you fly once every few years or so, you are least likely to benefit from an airline card. If, however, you fly often, you might want to consider owning an airline card. However, there is a catch involved in this as well. Many airline cards place restrictions on the number of points that can be earned in a year. So, if you are not able to utilize points before they expire, owning an airline card would be futile.

As weve already mentioned, any airline card will have an annual fees attached to it besides having higher corresponding interest rates than a non-airline card, so watch out for that as well.

Getting the Best Out of Airline Cards

To get the best out of your airline cards, use them carefully. For instance, take a little amount off your monthly budget each month towards paying the balance on the airline cards and make sure that you are only spending that amount. Otherwise, you are most likely to end up paying quite a tidy sum as finance charges can add up from the high interest rates typically associated with airline cards.

Another way to maximize the utility of your airline cards is to choose your purchases through the airline cards very cautiously. Quite a number of times, even though you will get points for every purchase made with the airline cards, there will be additional points for specific purchases. The beauty of airline cards lies in utilizing them for the purchases that count while using other credit cards for those that do not.

Robert Alan recommends that you visit for more information on the benefits of airline cards.Audie Blog44809
Cathlene Blog89703

Scholarship Essay Contests: 10 Sure-Fire Ways to Win in Essay Challenge

Scholarship essay contests are much in demand these days. For some, they are the first step towards a lucrative career, for others the only opportunity to find funds to finance their college education. And since there are a lot of students interested to get as much as $5000 for as little as 200 words, the competition gets tough and merciless.

Sure enough, the best competitors will be able to cut their way through the thickets of scholarship essay contests. If you would like to be one of them, stick to the following sure-fire ways to succeed in an essay challenge. They will help you write an award-winning scholarship essay that has no match.

1. Tune Yourself To The Challenge

As it was previously mentioned, scholarship essay contests are full of competitive spirit and strong ambitions. Thus, they ask for brand-new innovations, unusual approaches and creative thinking. To keep up with the raising standards of essay contests, dont hide behind the previously gained knowledge and hackneyed forms. Challenge yourself to exceed your past standards. Experiment, alter, and bring in something new in your scholarship essay.

2. Clarify Essay Contests Rules and Stick To Them

The first step you should take when writing your scholarship essay is to get as much information on entry rules, paper requirements, and deadlines as possible. As a rule, the necessary information is posted on the companys web site, the side of the package, or on the entry form itself. Simply keep your eyes open.

First, find information on where to send your entry, what forms you must include, and the exact nature of the essay question. Clarify the requirement for the essay paper format and stick to them from the very beginning of essay writing.

Second, put down the deadlines in your calendar or day planner. It will help you keep track of the writing process. One more useful organisation pattern is to include deadlines for topic generation, thesis statement, drafting the outline, the first draft and so on. This way you will never be short of time and will never miss a deadline.

3. Brainstorm Your Ideas

It may sound a little bit strange, but in scholarship essay contests it is the quantity of your essay ideas that really matters, not their quality. Thus, have a one-hour brainstorming session to collect your ideas. Find the most compelling ideas and organise them around a strong and clear thesis statement. With numerous supporting arguments and evidence, your thesis statement will sound more convincing, researched, and well-grounded.

4. Do Your Own Research

It goes without saying, that award winning scholarship essays must have a solid background and the topic investigation behind. Thus, do a lot of readings, deep into the historical importance of your essay topic, think of the true-to- life examples and persuasive arguments. The more proactive you will be, the more chances you will have to succeed!

5. Organize Your Notes

Be sure to attribute quotations and sources meticulously. Otherwise, you will be accused of plagiarism, or excluded from the participants list at the least. Surely, you dont want to suffer such a fate.

6. Make Your Introduction Inviting

The lively, compelling and inviting introduction is crucial for the winners scholarship essay. The introduction must interest the readers and invite them to keep on reading, tantalize and encourage the next step. To achieve this primary goal, use emotions, ask an intriguing question, surprise with an unusual fact. Anything that is uncommon and interesting will do.

7. Present Your Own Experience

One of the alluring ways to interest the readers in your scholarship essay is to focus on how your personal experience has shaped your view on the essay topic. It is a proven way to add an informal and friendly flair to your writing.

8. Fit In the Word Limit

At times it may be difficult to keep within the set word limit. But when taking part in scholarship essay contests, youve got to learn to be eloquent in as little words as possible.

One way to fit in the word limit is to kill the unnecessary adjectives and adverbs. The use of descriptive verbs and nouns is more preferable in this case. But when it is impossible to do without adjectives, make sure they are impressing, strong, and have the greatest influence on readers.

9. Consider Grammar, Spelling and Typography

Surely, it is a run-off-the-mill and annoying piece of advice youve learnt by heart long ago and are tired of hearing for the hundredth time. But, still, dont forget to edit and proofread you essay meticulously. Itll be a pity, if you will not take the major prize for a foolish grammar or spelling mistake.

10. Dont Stop At One Entry

If scholarship essay contests you are going to participate in have no limits on the number of entries an individual may send, take advantage of this loophole and send several different entries. Of course, make sure that your essays will be different and will present various points of view.

Now, you are ready to conquer the world of scholarship essays. With these handy tips you are bound to improve your chances of winning all kinds of scholarship essay contests.

Linda Correli is a staff writer for She specializes in writing History, Literature and English essays and book reports, as well as admission essays, personal statements and letters of recommendation.Beth Blog35141
Allyn Blog84473

Education Can Be A Lifelong Process

Studies have shown that seniors who spend time on educational activities have better cognitive function and retain their memories longer than seniors who do not. Additionally, attending educational programs give seniors the opportunity to interact with others of their age group and with younger people as well. This helps alleviate the isolation and depression that many seniors develop.

Seniors living in retirement communities will find no lack of educational opportunities. These communities offer courses on everything from foreign languages to ballroom dancing. There are myriad clubs and organizations available to residents. Outside lecturers and performers are often brought in for extra entertainment. But how can seniors living on their own, outside a retirement community, find appropriate educational programs?

The first place to look for such programs is at the local level. Most communities have a governmental department dedicated to serving seniors in the community. They often publish a list of activities available to area seniors and frequently are able to provide transportation to and from activities. In addition to meal programs and social gatherings, these departments often offer educational courses in many different subjects.

Local public schools are also a good source of interesting courses and opportunities. Many school systems publish a continuing education guide that lists the content, times and prices of classes that are held in the evening or on weekends at public schools. These courses range from academic enrichment like English as a Second Language, to arts and crafts and exercise classes. These courses are open to the community and typically consist of a wide range of people of all ages.

Community colleges also offer a wide range of continuing education experiences. Continuing education courses are taught on a non-credit basis and cost far less than for-credit courses. However, if a senior has the time and inclination community colleges are more than happy to enroll seniors in their degree programs. Seniors may be eligible for a tuition discount, depending on their age. Although some seniors may be intimidated by attending classes with much younger students, the experience can be extremely gratifying. Younger students often appreciate having seniors share their courses and instructors enjoy teaching seniors who are often more disciplined and interested than their younger counterparts.

Finally, the community library often offers activities specifically tailored to seniors like book clubs, discussion groups and the like. Libraries also offer computer literacy courses and courses on how to use the Internet, sometimes tailored specifically to seniors.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles for - In addition, Jonathon also writes articles for and Blog25795
Aggy Blog18192

Top 10 Holiday Lip Picks for 06 (and under $20!)

What to get her, what to get hersomething fun, something unique, something shell use, and something from a boutique. Lipple (a cross of little and lip) stocking stuffers abound this year with lip wear gifts under $20 that are sure to please and most include shipping. Dont want to break the bank, but look like you did? Get the ultimate of gifts with much-needed winter lip wear.

Glosses, tints, pots, balms, butters and more are everywhere. How do you choose which one? That depends a lot on who youre buying for, but going with her personality will help a lot in determining which one shed love.

Need a little guidance? Help is on the way! Here are my picks for this years Holiday Season.

#1 For the gal who has everything, something unique is sure to please. You want to let her know that you thought long and hard about what to get her and that you aim to please. Jaquas Pink Buttercream Frosting Lip Whip would be a great choice!

#2 We know plenty of ladies who are dieting dont we? Although we often wonder why, we still want to show them we respect their choice of no longer diving into milkshakes and birthday cakes at every opportunity. You can do this by grabbing them lip wear that sure to stay on the lips and not on the hips! This lady in your life needs Bag Lunch Co.s Birthday Cake Lip Balm. Dont think thats a great choice for the Holidays? Try a tube of Body Bakerys Dutch Chocolate Cake Lip Butter. Yep, thatll do it. - Birthday Cake Lip Balm- $4 - Dutch Chocolate Cake Lip Butter - $4

#3 The coffee lover girlfriend. Gourmet coffee is sure to please especially if she can keep it in her purse and never have to worry about spilling a drop on her shirt (not to mention the $4-$5 a splurge). Crazy Rumors Perk Mocha Latte is calling her name. For $4 a tube, you just cant beat it.

#4 Sassy n Spicy girls just love items that reflect them. For these non-forgettable friends we have Mad Gabs Cinnamon Lip Lube. - Cinnamon Lip Lube - $3

#5 We all have a girlfriend that pops into mind when we think of Girls Night Out! These ladies are classy, hip, and the definition of fun. For them, weve chosen Pina Colada Lip Balm or if thats just not hitting it, N.Y. Appletini will do it. - Pina Colada - $3 - N.Y. Appletini - $4

#6 Pampering Beauty. Know a gal that needs a reason to pamper herself? Secure her a couple of minutes alone with our pampered lip pick: Luscious Lip Mask by Raw Beauty. - $9.50

#7 Getting enough sleep is essential to everyones well-being (especially if youre around the person who isnt) and if youre looking for the perfect bedtime balm to help her get some much-needed zzzzzs, our pick for night lip care with a touch of scent is Lavendar Lullabyzzz by Body Bakery. - $6

#8 Not so in love with the Holidays girlfriend. These ladies, while we love them dearly, may not feel that the Holiday Season is all its cracked up to be. For them, weve chosen a timeless, yet classic selection of fruity flavored lip wear. Nothing fancy, but enough to say that you care (and oh-so-subtly spread some Holiday cheer her way.) Blueberry Moose Smooch is sure to brighten anyones day. - $3

#9 Some girlfriends are just not that excited about food-scented lip balms. Lets face it, were all different and thats what makes us unique. For those on your list that will love a little lip lift, but perhaps not in bakery or flowery scents, weve chosen an aromatic fresh spearmint lube that shes sure to love. - $3

#10 Last, but not least there has to be something unique and stocking-tuckable for little lips as well. Alley Katz has it goin on this year with their notebook lip glosses for girls and tweens. A must-have for the growing diva in any family. - $9.50

Angela Strosnider is all about everything girlly and loves working with sites of this nature. is one of them. Check out the latest from Angela and at: Blog1889
Arlee Blog92465

Build A Better Body

As both a writer and writing instructor I often taught the importance of introductions and conclusions; however, it does not do to overlook the body of your article or essay. After all, no matter how intriguing your introduction or how compelling your conclusion is, if the body of your essay falls flat then you will have failed as a writer.

Creating a powerful and effective body for your essay or article is not challenging if you plan carefully, write meaningfully, and revise repeatedly. In fact, if you plan carefully and write meaningfully then you may not have to revise very much, but you should still allow time just in case.

Planning carefully means spending time to brainstorm and mull over the ideas and elements you would like to cover in the body of your essay or article. What topic do you plan to write about? Ask yourself an important question related to that topic and your answer to that question will often become the basis for your thesis statement -- or quite simply the point you are trying to make with this essay or article.

Now that you have identified your main point, or thesis, you can begin to build on this foundation. You must now make a list of three, four or five (although I prefer to use three or five for some odd reason) points you can make to expand or support this main point or thesis.

For example, perhaps you plan to write an essay about why writing is a rewarding career path. So you could make your thesis: Writing is a rewarding career path because it offers professional rewards, financial rewards, and personal rewards.

Now your challenge is to build the body of your essay or article with these topics in mind. If you are writing a short piece then you can simply write one or two paragraphs on each of these three points: professional, financial, and personal rewards. If you are writing a longer piece then you will write a section focused on those three points. In order to develop each section you could then brainstorm three points to make about each of these topics.

For example, writing can help you professionally by serving as a profession in itself, by furthering most other professional fields, and by furthering your education, could all be topics you could explore within the "professional" writing section.

Spending time before you write to brainstorm, plan and craft a solid thesis can help you with your writing and a clear thesis can also help your reader understand what you are writing.

Building a better body for your essay and article does not have to be difficult or challenging, but spending time to plan and execute the body of your piece can make a substantial difference in the outcome of your writing.

Deanna Mascle shares more writing tips with her newsletter at http://WordCraftOnline.comBlinnie Blog16412
Blondie Blog80840

Repainting Your Ceiling As Part Of A Home Improvement Project

Thorough preparation is the key to any home improvement project. If you intend to repaint your ceiling you will need to gather together your tools and materials; ladders, sponges, brushes, paint, thinners, possibly plaster or filler if you have cracks, sealant, masking tape roller, tray, sandpaper and so on.

Before beginning painting you will need to remove any fixtures such as fans and light fittings. You will also need to repair any defects in the ceiling such as cracks, holes, dents or lumps. The ceiling is always a tricky job as it involves constantly reaching above your head and moving your ladders to reach the right place. The light often makes it difficult to see cracks and defects from up on the ladder, which are perfectly visible from the ground.

If the old paint is peeling it will be worth totally removing it before you start to repaint. When you start painting wear old clothes and ensure the floor and any furniture is well covered. You really cant avoid some plaint splashes. Wear long sleeves and goggles when using paint and thinners on the ceiling to protect your skin and eyes. Make sure each coat is totally dry before you start the next. It is easier to miss patches on the ceiling than on a wall so you may need an extra coat for even coverage.

When choosing your paint keep in mind that glossy sheen paints are easiest to keep clean and sheen paints are the most durable. These are generally considered most suitable for hallways and bedrooms, but work equally well on ceilings. Flat eggshell paints work well on ceilings but are harder to clean so if you smoke or cook in the room you are painting this might not be appropriate.

Satin paints are semi-glossy paints that are most suited to kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms and give a more cheerful effect than dull matt finishes. Hues, tints and shades can often give a softer appearance to your ceiling and complement your wallpaper or cabinetry, but you should not exclude brilliant white which will give a very clean bright effect and make your ceiling appear higher.

If painting the ceiling in your bathroom or kitchen, you may want to consider a specially designed paint that will not easily be damaged by steam and will resist the mould that can build up if the ventilation in these rooms does not allow quick drying.

Ken J. Morris continually edits news on information relating to cabinetry and cabinet doors. You can discover his publications over at and different sources for kitchen cabinet refacing news.Ardys Blog94507
Allie Blog20357

Self-Esteem Boosters For Women

Women have learned all the secrets and little tricks that can make their faces glow, their bodies firm and their skin and hair flawless. But there's one area where we still have much to learn. And it has a lot of bearing on how we look as well. It is in taking care of our self-esteem.

We all know that when we're feeling down, inferior or unworthy, our faces sag and our overall features look tired and defeated. Some may even argue that have strong self-esteem is more attractive than having the right physical attributes, and they may have a point. Following are a few simple tips that can help women rev up their self-esteem.

1. Press The Magic Button -- Most of us need to boost our self-confidence every now and then. One of the best ways to do this is to recall exactly who we are and why we should feel good about ourselves. Create a Magic Button -- a mental image of three things that make you feel good -- and press on it once in a while. These things could include images of your biggest achievements, the smiling faces of people who matter to you or something as simple as a piece of music.

This Magic Button is especially important when we down and things aren't going our way. We have to remember that whatever setbacks we've faced are temporary. We've overcome them before to reach success. Press that magic button.

2. Overcome self-consciousness -- Yes, self-consciousness is probably the biggest enemy of self-confidence. We tend to look at ourselves too harshly and focus on our perceived faults and shortcomings. To overcome self-consciousness, you should try focusing on others: try to put other people at ease, check the room for people who you might learn to like, make a mental note of possible business contacts.

Sometimes, if focusing on other people proves difficult, we can ease our self-consciousness by looking intently at our surroundings -- examining paintings, admiring furniture and decor, anything that will take our minds off ourselves.

3. Don't Stand For Undue Criticism - Sometimes our self-esteem ebbs because we allow others to treat us like rags and walk all over us. This is something we should never allow, even if we have made a mistake or come up wanting in a situation. We should bear in mind that even top-notch people make mistakes.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles for - In addition, Kadence also writes articles for and Blog17165
Carol Blog65990

Old Wives Tales For Telling A Baby's Gender

There's one question that seems even more pressing than Hamlet's philosophical to be or not to be? At least for expecting moms and dads, that is. It is: will it be a boy or a girl? In today's day and age, the answer to that question is not quite as difficult to answer as Hamlet's. That doesn't mean it's all that easy either.

With a trip to the doctor's office, a soon-to-be-mom can find out the sex of her baby via an ultrasound, or through other means like chorionic villus sampling and amniocentisis. Chorionic villus is a diagnostic test that can cause problems in pregnancy and should only be administered if absolutely necessary (it is used to determine if the baby is likely to have have genetic abnormalities). Amniocentisis is another diagnostic test with slight risks. Ultrasounds are more popular, as they can be performed at any stage of pregnancy and unless there is routine exposure of the baby to an ultrasound, it is likely a safe method. However, an ultrasound is not meant to only help determine a baby's sex and in fact, it is not always accurate (especially during the early stages of pregnancy).

Thus, there are a slew of ways that have been devised to figure out whether an unborn baby will be a boy or a girl some may have logical backing, but most if not all are completely baseless. But probably the most interesting methods of determining a baby's sex stem from old wives tales. So what are these tales and which ones have a grain or two of truth to them?

Well, the only real truth we know about old wives tales is that they are just that rumors that have passed from generation to generation. Thankfully, they are innocuous rumors, unless of course one takes them too seriously and starts picking out clothes and furniture for a boy baby, only to greet a little girl on the operating table. Hopefully, the new parents kept those receipts. Another truth we know about old wives tales is that their origin is sketchy who thought up each tales is pretty much unknown. But they sure are fun.

So, whether or not you're having fun playing the guessing game about your own baby or are just plain curious, here is a list of old wives tales to think about.

Do you sleep on your left or right side at night? If you prefer your right, then you just might be having a boy! If you sleep on your left, a girl could be on the way. Even the dryness or softness of your skin can help you predict your baby's sex if you have soft hands, expect a girl; dry hands, a boy. Moreover, many pregnant woman crave interesting foods, but supposedly the specific kinds of food you crave can indicate what sex your baby is. If you constantly want salty foods, like french fries, you're due for a boy, whereas if you have a taste for sweets, like chocolate pie, prepare for a girl. And the old wives tales hardly stop there. Do you feel clumsy or elegant as a pregnant woman? If you're dropping your keys and stumbling over pairs of shoes, you might have a baby boy on the way, but if you feel graceful on foot, it's probably a baby girl. Even the size of your breasts can be a factor. It's common to have asymmetrical breasts, so by examining which breast is larger, you can also put the clues together to your baby's sex. If a pregnant woman's left breast is bigger, it's a girl; if the right breast is, it's a boy.

Furthermore, according to these recycled wives tales, morning sickness is not a symptom of every pregnancy, but only of those pregnancies of women who are carrying a girl. In other words, nausea means you better decorate the nursery pink. In fact, there are a bunch of signs you can look out for if you're having a girl. While soft hands mean you're having a girl, so do pesky breakouts on your skin.

And if you're craving citrus fruits, or become rather plump in your face, or experience several emotions throughout the day, then you are having a girl.

You can also guess your baby's gender by the way they sit in your uterus. You will feel heaviness in the lower area, if it's a boy, and if you feel pressure higher up, if it's a girl. As well, do you feel the baby in your front or in the middle? Boys, apparently, tend to take a seat up front, while girls prefer to situate themselves all around the middle.

As fascinating and fun as these tales are, they are just that tales. They have no scientific substance to them whatsoever and should only be used for entertainment purposes! Especially considering that a lot of these tales (and these are just a handful of them) seem to be born of cultural stereotypes of boys and girls, not any clear logic, they should be approached with a healthy dose of skepticism.

But considering how ultrasounds aren't 100% accurate, why not play the guessing game? Ideally, it's best to wait far into the pregnancy to get an ultrasound or simply expect for the unexpected, but in the meantime, ask yourself do you want a sweet cookie or some salty fried chicken?

David Beart is the owner of Our site covers children topics such as babies, names, education and nutrition.Carolann Blog46461
Angela Blog97741

Guide To Buying Printer Ink Online

The cost of printer ink is the sole concern for anyone using a printer. Buying printer ink online will save you both cost and time without compromising on quality.

The first step is to choose the type of printer ink you are looking for. It will depend on the purpose for which you use your printer. For plain black text compatible and remanufactured cartridges will work well. However, for printing photos and graphics, brand new cartridges will be the right choice. Printer ink refill kits are also available. You can also buy brand new printer cartridges from Hewlett Packard, Lexmark, Canon or Epson.

Online printer suppliers have their websites and it advised that you visit at least four or five before making your purchase. The suppliers offer various price discounts and a visit to different websites will help in making the right choice. Prices offered by the online sellers are considerably less than those at the retail stores. It is best if you visit a website offering cartridges from various manufacturers. This way it will be easier to compare the prices. Printer ink is normally delivered free of cost or at minimum shipping expenses.

When you are buying online, it is not possible to have a first hand look at the product. It is advised that you always buy from a reputed printer ink dealer. Reputed dealers offer guarantees and securities on their services. Check whether your online supplier offers guarantee on their quality and service. Faulty printer cartridges are usually replaced free of cost. Buy cartridges that are compatible with your printer. Incompatible cartridges will not give you good printer quality and may also damage your printer. Compatible cartridges are not available for many Hewlett Packard and Lexmark printers. Check carefully before buying and dont get fooled by false promises and assurances.

Oliver TurnerAindrea Blog65235
Aeriell Blog38641

Discover Online Discount Coupon Codes - Why Pay Retail!

Clever Internet shoppers continue to improve their search tactics of the broad directory of online retailers with the focus of finding the best price on the product or service they are interested in purchasing. At the same time, online retailers are doing their best to bring those shoppers to their store. How you ask? With online discount coupon codes. Countless premier online retailers, travel companies, and merchants providing consumer services, grant coupon promotional codes to online partners (advertisers) to place on their web site for their visitors.

So where do you find a web site that will provide you with a direct link to all of these discounts? The discount coupons will often be hosted on partner web sites as a method of advertising for the store or retailer. The coupon links may offer either a percentage off the sale price, free shipping, a free gift with purchase or in some cases, a combination of all.

Discount coupons for "free shipping" can save the shopper a generous amount of money for shopping directly with the retailer's warehouse location as compared with shopping traditional brick and mortar stores. In other words, they pass the handling savings onto you!

"Percentage off" promo codes can be as high as 50%, with deals such as $25 off a $50 purchase. Almost all online retailers have a space to enter a promotion or discount coupon code generally during the final check-out process.

So how do I shop with online coupon codes? Launch your favorite search engine directory and execute a search for the specific coupon you are looking for, i.e., "merchant name + coupon code or promo code". There will be thousands of results, so it is up to you to access which coupon offers are current. Bookmark those web sites which offer up-to-date discounts for future shopping and for sharing the coupon site with your family and friends.

After you find the coupon you would like to use, click on the link provided and shop the merchant's site. Take note, if a coupon code is provided with the link, you will need to enter this code during the final steps at check-out. If there is no code provided, then the discount is embedded in the link and will be applied automatically for you. Coupon offers are subject to change and can expire at anytime. Verify that the savings have been applied to the shopping cart before finalizing your purchase.

Online promotions and discount coupon codes will often change weekly with most offers changing monthly. Holidays, special occasions, i.e. the beginning of the school year, will increase the number of online coupon offers available on partner sites and often prompt other merchants whom rarely offer online incentives to review their current promotions and advertising strategies. The months of October, November, and December are also the busiest shopping months of the year, so expect an increase in coupon code offers and promotions.

Always look on your favorite partner site for new discounts before you complete that next online purchase, and remember to share those sites and savings with your family and friends.

Sharon Roof is an IT Specialist and founder of 1Stopmarketplace. For up-to-date online promotions for hundreds of merchants, travel partners, and consumer services, visit Coupon code offers are updated daily.Alisa Blog30344
Annelise Blog34760

Virtual Classroom - A Learning Tool Of Prowess

Why choose virtual classroom?

Web based learning cannot rival conventional classroom training for some very obvious reasons. Since it is mostly delivered through asynchronous communication methods, it provides thin scope for interaction among the learners as well as between the learner and the instructor. It lacks the depth that an instant face to face dialogue can provide, because synchronous mode of learning is devoid of instant responses and interaction. In turn, it limits the comprehension of the student, thus reducing his interest in learning. On the other hand, a virtual classroom rids web based training of such maladies. It is essentially a cyber classroom, where the instructor and the learners can converse in real time. Thus, a virtual classroom tries to simulate in every way it can, the learning platform provided by conventional classroom, and is quite successful at that. Let us have a look at how it genuinely enhances the effect of other learning components in the learning process.

It engenders the sense of community existence among learners

The synchronous mode of communication in a virtual classroom allows immediate feedback on queries, and motivational encouragement, which provides the learners with a sense of belonging to a community. Thus, an instructor can be personally involved with learners during the course of an online chat. On the contrary, content is delivered to multiple recipients in a traditional classroom or asynchronous training mode, making it impersonal. Virtual classrooms have broken free of this stigma by harnessing technology for nurturing social interaction, instead of curtailing it. This sense of a group existence helps students to identify with fellow learners, thus keeping them glued through the course till its completion without allowing loneliness to creep in.

It helps assess learning trends among learners

Similar to a conventional classroom, a virtual classroom provides clues of students performance, interest and activities inside the class. In a traditional classroom, inattentiveness, restlessness, blank or quizzing expressions, or fiddling could be signs of student disinterest and lack of involvement in the course. Likewise, in a virtual classroom, an analysis of the responses and comments of the participants provide substantial cues to the level of interest and comprehension among learners. For example, the frequency of comments posted by a learner or the type of learner queries often gives an insight into the student involvement. Little wonder then, that virtual classrooms beat other components of learning - like web pages, email and forum postings, to enjoy the highest rankings as the most favored tool. And, while all the components together make the learning process more effective, learning initiatives could do well by adding more chat discussions to them.

It allows informative exchange of knowledge

An equal and active participation from both learner and instructor, and a precise two way instructive communication between them leads to the fruition of a learning process. Since asynchronous training leaves the student to flaccidly receive information from the instructor with its one-time, one-way mode of communication, the information flow is essentially one sided, at any given time. This is pure under-exploitation of the recourses thrown up by the developing technology. On the other hand, a virtual classroom assists in a meaningful, useful and informative exchange of notes between instructor-learner, and learner-learner.

It allows learning in an accustomed ambiance

Learning has always been more effective when it happens in a familiar ambience. The comparatively unidentified existence of learners in the virtual space is an added comfort factor. The cumulative effect of this results in an augmented, open and active learner participation in virtual classroom discussions, which certainly beats that in a traditional one. Also most learners are averse to speaking in front of an audience. A virtual classroom removes this hurdle for them, because of which, it has become a boiling pot of information from different sources and is synonymous with increased interaction between peers and learner-instructor. Indeed, a conventional classroom setting could never have dreamed of attaining this. Simply put, a virtual classroom liberates learners from the shackles of geographical distance, discriminations, and inhibitions.

It provides an egalitarian platform for learners

Being devoid of props such as the dais, stage lights, or the front and back row, the virtual classroom is one step ahead of its conventional counterpart, in that it provides a leveled platform for all. There is no raising of hands to answer questions, and learners who answer are not differentiated from others, since there is no standing up required to give answers. Apart from this, learners are spared the hassle of dealing with discrimination on the basis of gender, race, or any physical constraints. And even though the instructor leads the discussion, he is recognized from the learners only by his screen name. Each learner too, has a unique screen name and merit of the learners comments and opinions is the only criterion that separates them from one another. The virtual classroom practically makes learners lose their fear of teachers - that is a part of the traditional classroom set-up - although the instructor remains the guiding force of the whole class.

It allows instructors to experience the joy of learner Nirvana

Instructors of online courses often crib about missing the spark of realization on their students face that ensues a thorough understanding of a concept. But, unlike popular belief, learner nirvana can very well be experienced in a virtual classroom. The nature of learner responses and comments often reveals the comprehension levels of a student, allowing the instructor to enjoy the experience of a learner exactly grabbing the soul of a concept. The experience of seeing a relatively fresh mind imbibe the essence of a concept is like being the hand on the potters wheel. This is the best award for their teaching endeavor, not only because it proves the effectiveness of their teaching method, but also because it displays the perfect camaraderie that is shared by them.


Even though other components of an online learning initiative cannot be sidetracked by virtual classrooms, including more online chat in the courseware explains, improves and strengthens the concepts that are laid down by other asynchronous components. Obviously, a web based learning initiative is incomplete without virtual classrooms.

Vishwanath Shankar has been managing and maintaining online learning management system for the past decade and a half in tandem with experts in web development services. A storehouse of knowledge about LMS (Learning Management Systems), he is aware of the impact aicc LMS distance learning can have on the academic as well as corporate learning. He has been working in close co-ordination with organizations offering web design services to develop user friendly distance learning programs.Beverley Blog56255
Alissa Blog93267

Website Builder: Professionally Designed Websites

Operating your business requires the right amount of finesse, rapport with customers and the unshakable faith that you will succeed.

Youre a business owner and youre always looking for new avenues of growth. Youve been mulling over the idea of having a website ever since you went to your business development conference and they informed you that having a website will boost your sales and give you another outlet for your products or services.

Youve performed your research; however, youre more confused than ever. There seems to be so many different ways that a website can be designed, the computer languages it takes, uploading, downloading, FTP; so many names and so confusing.

As a result of so many businesses confused about what a website can do, an informal survey of prospective and current website owners was conducted. These are its findings:

1. Inexpensive Website Building
2. Professional Design
3. Have Access to Changes From Any PC
4. Customer Service With Real live Human Beings
5. High Uptime (99%)
6. Network Status Availability
7. Common Control Panel

Inexpensive website building doesnt mean that you wont pay to get the job done right the first time. What it means is that youre not going to spend $50,000 on a 2 page website. You expect and deserve value for your money.

Along with an inexpensive website, a professionally designed website or a website that looks professionally designed is also important. You dont want an outdated design style because this will drive away prospective customers.

In order not to drive away potential customers, you also require the ability to provide changes to your website wherever you are that has Internet connection. For example, youre on vacation and your Uncle calls you to tell you that something on your website isnt spelled correctly and can affect sales. So you log on from your hotel and within 15 minutes the problem is solved. Can you imagine if you had to wait until you arrived home? By that time, your stress level would have increased and you would need another vacation!

Another area that tends to stress new and old website business owners is the ability to speak with a real person when it comes to customer service. Customer service and real human contact is important to forge real business bonds. This allows transparency of operations for the website company and provides another element of trust for the customer.

A website business couldnt be successful unless the computers that are storing those files (hosting) are functioning 99% of the time. If those computers are down, that means that potential customers may not be able to reach your website and will look at another to get what they want.

Another important aspect is network status availability. This is related to high uptime. What network status availability means to you, the website business owner is that the network that connects those computers that host your files is also functioning. For example, the computers may be fine, however if the network has issues, then those computers wont be able to communicate with Internet users, thus resulting in potentially lost business.

Controlling your website and its content from one central area is also important. Usually, this is called a control panel. This allows you to re-set passwords, see website statistics (number of visitors etc) and can help you manage the content of your website. This tool should be relatively straightforward and self-explanatory. It may take you some time to understand, however shouldnt require a Ph.D. in computer science to operate.

These 7 steps can help guide you to having a successfully built website. Take a look at what your requirements are and dont hesitate to ask whether these 7 items will be delivered. In order to eliminate the doubt, hesitation and lack of trust that can be associated with business transactions and website building, the website owner needs to be reassured that what theyre paying for, theyre getting.

With a successful website builder, your business can attain another level of success.

Mark Gerrard is the Development Manager of the Freestart Website Builder Platform. See our website builder in action at Bonni Blog19665
Celie Blog6066

The Importance Of An IT Degree

The explosion of the information technology world has created a need for highly skilled workers able to handle heavy programming and tight network security. Every end of the spectrum in the computer world now requires in depth training and knowledge to be able to meet the demands of a computerized civilization. Communications, databases and the number of computer networks mean that anyone breaking into the job market with the hopes of working with technology needs certified qualifications and solid skills to be a contender. Competition for employment is stiff and only those with proper knowledge will get into massive corporations or important jobs. Of course, basic training in PC repair will solidify a long term job for you in a computer store, but with the opportunity to expand your skills into something far more valuable, why limit yourself rather than specializing in programming, video game design or software development?

Working in the technological industry can be very good, as employment conditions are favourable. Most working hours are set at 40 hours per week, geared to when the maximum number of employees are using the networking system or tapping into the administrative database. Also, thanks to that same technology you would be studying, someone with an IT degree can easily work from home and provide the same service to their employer as they would on site. There are, however, some drawbacks to working in an IT environment: emergency situations such as viruses, massive backups or network repairs, or meeting a certain deadline can mean longer hours in the evening or on weekends, though usually not on a regular basis.

Technology changes rapidly and pressure to excel at skills does mean that those who work in the industry must always be continually updating their skills or learning new ones as developments occur. Of course, a secure, long term job position can mean that recycling skills may not be necessary, but should your IT employment with one company come to an end, you may find that you no longer have the qualifications to be competitive in the job market when searching for a new employer. For sure, businesses today nearly always only hire people with IT degrees and anyone lacking that certification won't be able to find a job, no matter how skilled or talented they are.

There's more reason to invest in achieving an IT degree. The job prospectus for someone with high skills and abilities is very good, and the public's desire for bigger, better, and more will continue to push companies to develop new software and find solutions to make individual's lives easier or more productive. Computer scientists and database administrators are predicted to be the fastest growing market for those with an IT degree, so specialization in those areas will ensure that you'll be quickly employed at a good salary. However, even without specialization, most people with an IT degree will land jobs, as companies are also looking for people with a wide range of knowledge, including interpersonal and business skills. Spreading out can make you just as valuable as specialization.

An IT degree provides you with the training so that you'll become a valuable asset to any company. Indeed, most businesses today seek out top students and professionals with certification from the best educational institutions to help them protect their valuable data and keep their computer network functioning at its optimal potential. The starting salary for someone with solid skills and certification begins somewhere around $60,000 and only goes upwards from there. Your investment in an IT degree will certainly pay itself back many times, and you'll be able to break into a rising area of employment opportunities that will have you set for life.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College offers many Information Technology Degree programs. Please visit Virginia College at to select the IT program that is right for you.Anetta Blog78089
Ansley Blog13978

Factors To Think About When Choosing A Broadband Internet Service

Undoubtedly, broadband is the future of internet, but there are other ways of getting onto the internet. If speed isn't something that you need to have, you may want to look for a company that offers dial up service. It is much slower than the broadband but it can be much cheaper. It isn't good enough if you need to download large files or watch videos, but if you just need to write email or get information from the internet, it can work just fine. Broadband internet providers, especially some of the smaller ones will more often than not offer dial up as well. The idea is that you don't have to pay for a service that you don't need. As a person deciding on a service provider, consider what the service will be used for and then make a decision to use broadband or dial up services.

However, if you decide to change from dial-up to broadband internet either because of business needs or for faster surfing speed at home. By and large, broadband internet refers to permanent connection at 256 Kbps or any transmission that is higher than that.

There are two significant benefits that a broadband internet can offer you. You are automatically connected to the internet by once you turn on your computer. Broadband providers usually offer unlimited surfing package, which means you can surf as long as you want for one flat price.

Hundreds of service providers offer broadband internet promising clients of "super fast" access to the internet. This can be misleading because some service providers do not meet these promises. That's why it is imperative to consider a few things before getting a package for your broadband connection.

How Broadband Speed Affects Your Internet Experience

When you acquire a broadband service, one of the things you often need to think about is the speed of broadband service being offered to you. Although your broadband provider may attempt to make it appear as if it's vital to have the fastest speed, you need to think about your needs for what you want to do with your Internet connection. Understanding your personal needs in broadband speeds will prevent you from buying too much or too little. Certainly, what most savings-minded people are interested in knowing is when broadband speed enters the realm of being too much. Generally speaking, if you're simply browsing the Internet, then you will enjoy the speed of broadband, but don't need to purchase the fastest connection possible. Most text-based documents such as e-mail, news sites, and similar sites, simply don't need connections that are superbly fast.

If you begin doing other activities, such as downloading music and watching online videos, then you might want to get something slightly faster than the basic broadband speed. Remember, a little goes a long way. But generally speaking, the amount of data any single web page will transfer information to you at will be at a slower speed than your broadband connection, so there's potential for wasted bandwidth.

In some situations, you may realize that you don't have enough broadband speed to support your activity. However, these are the extreme cases. If you have many Internet users who like to use the Internet at the same time, such as having high school students who regularly enjoy playing video games over the Internet, you will absolutely desire a faster connection. If you make many peer-to-peer downloads, download a lot of videos and music, or browse numerous pages at one time, you also may need a faster connection.

Last but not least, another thing to think about when deciding on what bandwidth speed is your upload speed. This will have an effect on any data you send out to the Internet, including sending e-mail, transferring files to remote servers, and hosting web pages. Generally speaking, if you plan to run your own website, get broadband with fast speeds for uploads. Or, better yet, have a remote hosting company host your website at fast speeds without increasing the price for your home connection. On the whole, for both uploads and downloads, you should cautiously assess how heavily you intend to use the Internet and purchase accordingly, and you'll end up getting what's just right for you.

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. To learn more about how to choose the right broadband provider, please visit Blog34656
Becka Blog80028

Weight Loss Food Triggers

The concept of Food Triggers in health science is not new. Simply put, a food trigger can be any food that causes or triggers a reaction or change in the body. Food triggers work by the interaction of the body with the macro nutrients (Proteins, Carbohydrates, and Fats) in the foods. Because of their genetics and biochemistry each individual reacts to food macro nutrients differently. Many people are familiar with and affected by food triggers like milk, peanuts, cheese, and wine that cause allergic reactions and migraine headaches; but fewer people are familiar with food triggers that can generate weight loss.

Simply stated, a Weight Loss Food Trigger is any food or combination of foods that help generate weight loss in an individual. When we speak of a food helping generate weight loss, we are really speaking of how your body utilizes the proportions of the macro nutrients in the foods you eat. Although the biochemistry involved in the metabolization (break down) of these macro nutrients is similar between individuals, how they are utilized in the body can be very different between individuals.

Despite fad diets and media hype; ALL of the macro nutrients are essential to life and NONE are more important than the others. Any healthy diet will include ALL the macro nutrients although not necessarily in equal proportions. Common to all the macro nutrients is carbon and all the macro nutrients are all ultimately metabolized through a set of chemical reactions called the Krebs Cycle to generate heat and energy.

Scientists measure the relationship between how macro nutrients are metabolized in the body through a process known as Calorimetry. Calorimetry is commonly done at hospitals, research facilities and elite fitness facilities reserved for professional and Olympic athletes. It involves the athlete riding a sophisticated cycle or treadmill while attached to mouth breathing and electronic body monitors. It measures oxygen inhaled versus the products of metabolized macro nutrients exhaled with the mouth monitor.

Nutrition research results reveals that changes in the proportions of macro nutrients ingested can effect changes in weight. Thus, weight loss is not only dependent on how much you eat but also the proportion of macro nutrients you eat. Further, the specific proportion of macro nutrients necessary to generate weight loss (Weight Loss Food Trigger) is different for each individual.

Until now, the only way to calculate a weight loss food trigger would be by an expensive and week long stay at a hospital, research facility or elite fitness facility. Now, commercially available software allows anyone to calculate their own weight loss food triggers in the privacy of their own home. Macro nutrient information that would be derived from Calorimetry can be approximated indirectly by using Body Index calculations. Body Index calculations include things like: Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR); Body Mass Index (BMI); Lean Body Mass (LBM); and Body Fat Percentage (BF). This software automatically, monitors and looks for a relationship between your Body Indexes, Food Intake, and weight to find your weight loss food trigger.

Dr. Parchment began her medical career with clinical medicine specializing inInternal Medicine for almost fifteen years. Blog80728
Aline Blog11381

Why Microsoft Windows Vista May Struggle

So, as most of you all know Microsoft is releasing its first Operating System since the 2001 release of Microsoft Windows XP. Is it going to be a success on a similar level to the its previous and very popular Operating System?

Opinions are obviously widespread and vary greatly but there are some fundamental issues that may cause sales to struggle.

Firstly, the current Operating System, Microsoft Windows XP is very popular and Vista doesnt really have anything major that will cause people to be eager to switch. When Windows 98 was replaced by XP it had many aspects which made it easier to persuade people to upgrade such as the ability for plug and play hardware for ease of installation. Such advances in computing are not seen within Vista.

There are changes which many a computer professional will find useful such as easier and more secure networking features and also Windows Superfetch, which is able to get more out of the Random Access Memory (RAM) your machine has. However, these improvements may not be seen as valuable enough to prompt a change in Operating System for the less technical home user.

As for Businesses, many will hold back for at least the initial six months to one year period for a number of reasons. Microsoft Windows XP has had some security problems which Microsoft has been addressing and a new Operating System could potentially have some security faults and loopholes which you can guarantee will be very tempting to hackers mainly to have a laugh at the expense of Microsoft.

Many businesses have, believe it or not, only changed over from Windows 98 to Windows XP in the last year or two and another change over which will be time consuming and costly is unlikely to happen initially.

Whilst Microsoft currently has the lion share of the market other Operating Systems such as Linux and Mac OS are becoming more and more popular as a valid alternative to the Windows Operating System. Microsoft needs to be careful not to alienate or confuse its users to avoid increasing the number of users using other alternatives. Other Operating Systems are also less susceptible to hackers and viruses due to the fact hackers mainly target Windows simply because most people use it.

Another issue would be regarding the cost. Many expect Vista to be cheaper than Windows XP was when it was first released to encourage people to switch. However, will users be willing to pay out when XP is still a very usable Operating System?

The majority of new users is likely to be buyers of new PCs which will come with Vista as the pre-installed Operating System.

Of course Microsoft Windows Vista will eventually take over Windows XP given time and I fully expect it to be a better Operating System once any teething problems are resolved. I personally will be upgrading without any doubt, but only after I know it has been tried and tested to make it worthwhile for me to make the change and Im sure many others will follow suit.

Andrew Peers is owner and founder of which helps users with their IT related problems. Andrew has also studied and been working in the IT field for a number of years.Cairistiona Blog64261
Bunny Blog2424

Why Are More Adults Turning Towards Online Education?

Over the last few years, online education has become a very popular concept. There are literally thousands of adults who have chosen to improve their lives by turning to online education. With this recent surge in popularity, many individuals are asking why so many adults are choosing to earn a college degree over the internet. Although the concept may seem strange at first, after understanding more about what online education really is and all the benefits it has to offer, it is easy to understand why so many adults are choosing online education.

To begin with, one of the most obvious benefits provided by online education is flexibility. When attending a traditional college, you are forced to go to class on the schedule that is created by the college. This makes it impossible for many adults to attend a traditional university. Whether it is an obligation such as a full-time job or taking care of a family, a traditional university is not very conducive to a busy schedule. However, a program of online study does not have the same drawbacks that a traditional university does. Online education allows you to obtain a college degree on your own terms and schedule. Instead of needing to go to class three times a week, you can study on your timeframe. Whether you prefer to do your class work early in the morning or late at night, you have the freedom to create your own study schedule. This is one of the several benefits that makes degree programs a very popular option for adults.

The flexibility provided by online education is not the only thing that makes it a popular choice for many adults. Online education is also very popular among adults because of the financial benefits it can provide. Traditionally, the cost of education at a regular college or university is extremely expensive. The reason for this high cost includes factors such as paying for utilities and other maintenance related expenses. However, when paying for an online course, the costs associated with traditional education are not present. Because you are not actually receiving your education in a classroom, you are not responsible for paying for the upkeep of any facilities. This makes online education a much more economical choice. Although online education does not require as much of a financial investment, this in no one means that the education you are receiving is any less valuable or rewarding than that provided by traditional universities.

In addition to the benefits discussed above, there is another factor that makes online quick degrees education a popular choice among many adults. Online education provides adults many choices in what program of study they will follow. Regardless of what you are interested in, it is almost guaranteed that there is an online education program which fits your interests. The amount of programs available online provide a significant advantage over traditional forms of education. Before the advent of education, many people had to settle for the programs of study that were offered by institutions which were close by. If you wanted to study something unique or very specialized, the only way you could accomplish this was by physically moving to a new location which was closer to an institution that offered this program of study. However, thanks to the internet, this is no longer an issue. For more information about online degrees visit

A significant number of adults have turned to online education for various reasons, and there are several factors which make this a very positive decision. In addition to being economical, flexible and broad, an online degree is a guaranteed way to improve your position in the workforce. Whether you are looking for a promotion or hoping to be interviewed for higher paying job, by choosing to earn an degree through the internet, you will be joining many other adults who have also made the choice to improve their lives through online education.

Harris Jhosta is holding the market experience of IT industry and immense business solutions for about 2 decades now. His vast experience in the related field gave him the acclamation and renownship in many sectors of business. Harris has also been involved in providing educatinal services in form of various seminars and lectures, in many well renowned universties. Presently carrying a research on the evolution of business performance by the advent of Information Technology Ciphers in the state university of california.Arabele Blog67267
Amaleta Blog51582

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